My latest book, the second published with Auatin Macauley, has just been released and is entitled ‘Sons of the Earth’. Having re-written it a number of times it has taken a number of years to finally get it to print, but I am pleased with the result. My only regret is that my wife passed away before publication as she knew what it meant to me. On a lighter note, I have just finished my next novel, called ‘Born Without Hope’, and my hope is that AM will like it enough when I present the copy to them. Returning to ‘Sons of the Earth’, this is a novel that will appeal to lovers of a number of genres, historical fiction, romance, family drama and a good, albeit long, story line. Choose it for your holiday read and you will need only take one book with you. Changing the subject a little, a word to the older generation, to which i belong; I published my first novel at the age of 75, so if anyone thinks it is too late to start something new, THINK AGAIN!

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